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Concrete Floor Cutting in Skelmersdale

NW Metal Sections

Project Overview

We were approached by our client, NW Metal Sections, to assist with issues with the concrete floor of their manufacturing workshop in Skelmersdale, near Wigan. 

This project involved concrete floor cutting using the Husqvarna 5000 floor saw, a specialist tool that we often use for floor sawing due to the tool creating extremely precise, straight cuts, offering low emissivity and great power efficiency - ideal for commercial projects such as this one. 

Concrete Cracks and Damage

Within their manufacturing workshop, NW Metal Sections’ continuous operational activities resulted in significant wear on their concrete floor slab. This wear manifested in the form of cracks and sinkage, posing potential safety hazards as well as causing aesthetic and operational inconveniences.

Our Solution

To remove the damaged concrete, our team of specialist diamond drilling contractors utilised the advanced capabilities of our Husqvarna 5000 floor saw, which created the necessary straight, precise cuts through the concrete floor slab with ease. 

To cut and remove the perimeter section measuring 6.5m x 2.5m, extreme accuracy was required. However, with our state-of-the-art equipment and years of construction industry experience drilling, cutting and sawing through concrete, we managed to complete the job with the required precision necessary to address the areas of concern. 

How disruptive is concrete floor sawing? 

Whilst we worked on the concrete floor slab, it was also important for us to minimise disruption to the ongoing operations in NW Metal Sections’ workshop. 

For concrete floor sawing projects such as this one, the Husqvarna 5000 floor saw has proven to be a powerful and efficient tool, which is why we chose to use it. 

However, many people may have concerns about the level of disruption that can be caused during the concrete floor sawing process. The use of our Husqvarna 5000 floor saw ensured precise and clean cuts, minimising the need for additional repairs or adjustments. 

So, whilst concrete floor sawing can be a noisy process, modern floor sawing equipment like ours is designed to reduce noise levels as much as possible. Additionally, professional concrete-cutting contractors, like us, make extra efforts to minimise disruption to nearby areas and take measures to control noise, such as using sound barriers or scheduling work during less sensitive hours.

How did we do it?

To begin with, we identified the specific areas of the concrete slab which needed to be removed, before measuring and marking the area. The perimeter, measuring 6.5m x 2.5m, was then marked and expertly cut using the Husqvarna 5000, ensuring straight and accurate cuts through the concrete. Subsequently, the cut sections were carefully removed, addressing both cracked and sunken areas to provide a levelled and safe working surface. Post-cutting, we also ensured that all of the concrete with cracking and sinkage issues had been removed, to avoid further damage to the floor.

So, what did the client think?

Throughout this commercial project, safety was of the utmost importance. Enhanced safety was achieved through precision cutting and the removal of damaged concrete, creating a safer working environment and reducing the risk of accidents associated with cracked or sunken surfaces. 

NW Metal Sections were satisfied with our work throughout this commercial project, highlighting our professionalism, precision and efficiency throughout. Our client appreciated the use of the Husqvarna 5000 floor saw for its environmental considerations and its ability to achieve the desired results seamlessly.

If you’re looking for a team of accredited concrete contractors to assist with concrete floor or wall sawing, diamond drilling or Brokk demolition, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team. We offer our commercial services across the UK, and our domestic services across the North West, East Midlands and North Wales.